Saturday 18 August 2012

Get Chopping!

Insalata Trittata con Cetriolo, Uva e Bresaola, & Condimento al Yogurt
Chopped Salad with Cucumber, Grapes & Bresaloa + Yogurt Dressing

It's incredible... but as Summer draws to an end everywhere else in... the universe, here in Frankfurt we had out first real day of sunshine and hot weather! So of course, although I have some great produce from the market in the fridge- it HAD to be a salad tonight! It was just too warm for anything else!

Needing a break from figs this week, delicious and seasonal as they may be, I decided to take a lovely big bunch of these wonderful Sicilian, seedless grapes. I thought they would make a a great addition to a refreshing green salad. Together with some crunchy green cucumber and a little paper-thin-sliced Bresaola, I had a satisfying and tasty meal rustled together in no time which was healthy and light to boot! I'd say you have gotta love it!

Very cheap, very easy and very delicious this salad- and also very, very quick to make! Start off with the cucumber, which needs to be halved lengthways and then sliced finely. Place into a bowl, sprinkle with salt and let it sit or 4-5 minutes until it begins to give off all of its excess moisture. Drain this off and the cucumber is ready to go.

For the lettuce, simply use the leafy ends to line you plate with and finely chop the crispy stalk-ends to make up the actually salad with. Pop these into a bowl and add the cucumber, the grapes (cut in half) and a finely sliced Spring onion.

Sprinkle with some seasoned salt- of course my Salt of the Earth mix is perfect for this ;-), drizzle lightly with olive oil and lemon juice, add some finely chopped chives and oregano and add a couple of tablespoons of yogurt. Stir together well and add a little honey to balance the tangy lemon and the spicy salt... and the result will be pretty wonderful!

With a little bresaola and a slice or two of ciabatta, I would say this was a pretty perfect Summer Supper! I hope you will agree!

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