Sunday 11 November 2012


Fritella Dolce di Fiocchi d'Avena & Yogurt alla Vaniglia & Cumquat
Vanilla Yogurt & Oatmeal Pancake with Whiskey-Infused Cumquats

I haven't been able to make my beloved breakfast oatmeal for a while- but this morning, by golly I was not going to go without! And with the nostalgic memory of my first "Home Economics" lesson at school, where we made "Flapjacks" out of oatmeal and golden syrup... I set about making something that would taste similar... but take a lot less time and work to prepare!

Of course I am talking about the Scottish, tray-baked oatmeal cookies, crispy on the outside but chewy and delicious on the inside... and not the American breakfast pancakes... but lo and behold- what I made was something in-between! Which should make everyone happy! I know it made ME happy this morning... and this is how I made it...

For one individual sized pancake, I started out with 1 egg, to which I added 3 tablespoons of vanilla yogurt and a splash of milk. I added a little Stevia (you could add sugar), some cinnamon, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of baking powder. And then I added the oatmeal. How much oatmeal? Oh please- let's not go down that avenue! Obviously my answer is going to be "as much as it takes"... because as we all know- it depends on how big the egg was, what type of oatmeal you have, how thick or runny your yogurt was... and all that matters is- you need to have a batter that has a nice, thick but runny consistency. It's as simple as that!

That is, for any new readers, the whole reason that I do not give precise measurements for the ingredients in my dishes, as I do not subscribe to the opinion that one person dictating how a dish should be made and millions of people following like robots will end up producing millions of the same results. It may be fine, with certain things, for certain people- but for me and other people that cook regularly, I still believe that reading which ingredients are used and the basic methodology, along with your own intuition, is going to produce a better result for each individual. And anyhow... I never stick to recipes myself anyway!

So- the next step was to pour the batter into my little frying pan, in a little butter- just a touch! Once it had begun to set, I popped the pan into the oven and got busy with the cumquats... it's all about timing!

I sliced the cumquats and began boiling them in a frying pan, in just enough water to cover them, keeping the heat high, until it had almost evaporated away. This got rid of a little of the bitterness from the peel. I then added a squeeze of honey, a slice of ginger, a clove, a cardamom pod and as much water again and repeated the procedure... by the time the liquid was almost gone second time around though, there was a light, syrupy glaze on the cumquats- yummy! I then added a splash of whiskey, which of course is purely optional... but hey- it was Sunday- and I don't have any kids! Basically by now, the cumquats were soft but still intact and not mushy and perfect... they just needed to cool a little whilst I fetched my delicious and golden brown pancake out of the oven! Yep- that was all done in just 5-6 minutes!

So by keeping it simple, using a little intuition and having some fun, I quickly conjured up a
tasty and satisfying breakfast... with the honey-glazed cumquats on top- delicious! Give it a go- you might just like it!

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