Monday 12 August 2013

Easier than Pi

Avocado, Biscotti, Yogurt & Mirtilli Rossi con Huacatay
Avocado, Cookies, Yogurt, Red Currants & Huacatay

Making a great dessert doesn't have to be hard work, it doesn't have to complicated and it doesn't have to be expensive or exclusive in it's ingredients... it can in fact be really, really simple. All it needs to be is a good combination of textures and flavors- like this amazing mix right here!

Ok, my new favorite herb, the Huacatay, IS a rather unusual and exotic ingredient... but if you are lucky enough to be able to find it, it is very inexpensive... but very, very delicious! Otherwise, all I needed was an avocado, a handful of simple cookies and a handful of currants... combined with some yogurt and a squeeze of lime juice, these everyday ingredients became something out of this world! Now- isn't that neat?!?!

All I needed to do to make this, was to blend together some yogurt, lime juice and Stevia or sugar into a lovely sweet and tangy dressing. I prefer to use Stevia, to keep the calories down- but you can feel free to use sugar- or alternatively if you prefer, honey or maple syrup, which I am sure would also be wonderful in this. To make this double portion I needed 6 tablespoons of yogurt and the juice of half a lime.

Next, I carefully chopped up a half of an avocado into small chunks- it needs to be ripe but not too soft. This went into a bowl, along with 4-5, light and fluffy, crispy, egg and butter cookies- you could also use ameretti or the savoiardi or "ladies fingers" that you use for tiramisu for this... or any other cookies for that matter! I crumbled them up and added them into the bowl, than stirred in the yogurt... and licked the spoon! Mmmm! Talk about delicious! And talk about easy!!!

I added a handful of red currents- any other berries would have been good too- but I had these in the fridge and so that was that problem solved! And last but most definitely not least, came the Huacatay leaves! I made a point of picking the tiniest, most tender of the leaves... you could also chop up the larger ones, but this was just much prettier. And it was the wonderful lemony flavor and fragrance of these leaves that made the already wonderful flavor skyrocket! Oh wow! 

Of course, you may not be able to find the Huacatay where you live and in that case you can always substitute it with mint, lemon balm or lemon verbena... but if you CAN get your hands on it... DO!

If I tell you that this tasted even better than it looks... that should be enough to convince you to try this I hope :-) Am I right... or am I right? Oh go on and try it- you know you want to!

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