Monday 7 December 2015

A Fast Repast!

Fagioli con Carne, Pomodorini & Cicoria
White Beans with Ground Meat & Cherry Tomatoes and Chicory

Here's another quicky for you, to whip-up in next to no time after a long day at work. Well, actually, this was for me- but after checking this out- you can have your turn in the morning if you like- haha!

I used some tender, young chicory greens to serve on the side for this, but you could use spinach or chard- and the rest... well, the beans came out of a can on the spur of the moment, the ground meat was just a handful left over from the other night and not even enough to make a decent burger from... and the rest was pure improvisation. And it's pretty cool what deliciousness you can come up with in just 15 minutes if you are ravenously hungry... don't you think?

It's not hot and spicy, nothing like chili con carne- it is a much more simple and southern Italian kind of dish, with mild, fresh flavors and yet is still as satisfying... and I know there is a lot to be said for those old tried and tested dishes like chili... but me? I like to try something different whenever I have the chance. And that means always! Haha!

To make 2 people happy, you will need 1 can of beans- cannellini or butterbeans- or even those gigantic Greek white beans would be fine, 1 handful of ground beef, a couple of handfuls of fresh chicory greens (or similar), 1 Spring onion, 1 small, mild pepper, a handful of cherry tomatoes, fresh parsley and thyme, salt, pepper and a little olive oil.

It's not hot and spicy, nothing like chili con carne- it is a much more simple and southern Italian kind of dish, with mild, fresh flavors and yet is still as satisfying... and I know there is a lot to be said for those old tried and tested dishes like chili... but me? I like to try something different whenever I have the chance. And that means always! Haha!

To make 2 people happy, you will need 1 can of beans- cannellini or butterbeans- or even those gigantic Greek white beans would be fine, 1 handful of ground beef, a couple of handfuls of fresh chicory greens (or similar), 1 Spring onion, 1 small, mild pepper, a handful of cherry tomatoes, fresh parsley and thyme, salt, pepper and a little olive oil.

As I already mentioned- I used chicory leaves- the southern Italian kind, which I adore for their slightly bitter flavor, but you can also use spinach, chard, dandelion or turnip greens- it's all good as long as they are tender and fresh, as they will be an excellent contrast to the juicy and flavorful beans. I'm sure you will love the combination!

I rinsed and trimmed the chicory greens down to lengths of around 3" and popped them into a saucepan with very little water, a good pinch of salt and a lid on top- and let them cook in the background whilst I got busy with the meat and beans. They really do take care of themselves.

As for the beef, I opted that into a non-stick frying pan with no added oil and began frying it. Whilst I browned, I chopped the Spring onion and green pepper finely and then added those to fry until the meat had turned completely from red to brown.

I then added the beans (drained), the cherry tomatoes (halved) and seasoned with salt, pepper and plenty of freshly plucked thyme.

I stir-fried these at a high heat until everything was sizzling and all of the flavors of the onion, peppers, tomato, beef and thyme had started to come together... the smell of it was quite divine!

I then simply added a good splash of water to deglaze the pan and to really bring the flavors out, then let things simmer on and stirred occasionally until the water had been absorbed and everything was nicely and richly coated with rich juices. 

In the meantime, the greens were tender and needed only to be drained and lightly drizzled with olive oil before serving... because... dinner was now officially ready!

A little more pepper, a sprinkle of finely chopped parsley- and a perfect, quick and hearty supper was ready as quick as you like! And if you are anything like me- then you will like it as quick as can be!

Trust me folks- this is a lovely supper and unbeatable in terms of ease, value and yep, I think it's pretty healthy too! All good reasons to keep something like this in mind- because it really never needs be a chore or a challenge to fix something for dinner- it should always be a joy!

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